Bible Study & Prayer
Resources for your personal walk with God

Bible study and prayer

Life is all about a relationship with God.

That's what Jesus tells us in John's gospel. As He prays to His Father in heaven in John 17, this is what He says:

"This is eternal life: that they [my disciples] know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent."

The eternal life that Jesus gives us is a life which is all about knowing God personally; having a living relationship with Him. That's what Jesus came to save us for!

Of course, any health relationship involves communication. The primary place where God has promised to speak to us is through His son Jesus, who is revealed in His word, the Bible. The way that we speak to God is through prayer. So if we're going to have an active relationship with God, where we grow to know Him better, and respond to Him rightly, we need to be reading the Bible and praying regularly.

But we know that carving out time to study the Bible and pray can be a real challenge; it's something most of us probably wish we do more, and maybe even feel guilty about (it's sometimes said that if you want to humble a Christian just ask them how their prayer life is going!).

So to help make it easier, we've put together a little A5 booklet to give you some information about resources for personal Bible reading and prayer which we think are particularly helpful, and where you can get hold of them. You can pick up a paper copy on a Sunday, or download it as a pdf here:

imageGC Personal devotion resource guide.pdf

On the inside there are a variety of different resources that will help you read and study the Bible for yourself - there's a range of different levels of material there - from ones which just give you a few verses and a little bit of devotional thought - through to ones which are far more in-depth Bible studies. So you can decide what would suit you best. There's a range of different formats available too - from paper booklets through to apps and e-books.